"Not the Place I remember..."

In the past few years, more than one person has said something like this to me: “This is not the _______________ I remember.” Sometimes, they’re talking about Milwaukee. They grew up here and know that this is not the place that it used to be. Other times, they’re talking about our country. They say to me, “This is not my country.” People mean many different things when they say this phrase, but, most often, they are discouraged and frustrated with how things are.

Sometimes, as I reflect on their description of the way things were and the way things are, I wonder to myself (never out loud) what was so good about those “good ole days.” At other times, I see the way things have degraded and ask a different question: What do we need to do about it?

While there are many possible and potential answers to those questions, I think one answer is simple: It starts at home. It has to start in the home. It has to start with moms and dads training their children in the way that is right, especially in knowing the Lord. It has to start with parents working with all their might to teach their children the way of the Lord so that they follow him.

That won’t change society or fix the problems “out there.” But then again, God never really called us to that. He called us to be salt and light in the world. He didn’t call us to change the world; that’s his job. He told us to preach the Gospel to everyone, not create a new and better Christian society. His job is to call us into his kingdom and make us royal citizens who are holy priests. He called us to be fathers, mothers, and children. He called us into families. In those families, he calls us to pass on the faith.

That is what we’ll be talking about this Sunday. Starting in the home, we will live under God and learn the habits of the faith. God has something to say about that to us this Sunday. We’ll be looking at Deuteronomy 6:4-12. This is a really important topic that is near and dear to my heart.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Nate