Refresh my Heart in Christ

Relationship are tough. We keep saying that around here. Whenever you put two sinful people in the same room, there are going to be challenges, issues and even sin. Relationships are tough, mainly because the people in those relationship are sinful.

That being said, what kind of relationship do you want to have with me? With Pastor Chris? What kind of relationship with your pastors do you want and hope to have?

Let’s consider the options.

We could live in a contractual relationship. We work for you and have a contract of sorts with you. You agree to support us with your offerings. We agree to preach sermons, teach the Bible, and visit you when you’re sick. We promise agree to provide pastoral care to you and be faith in our use of God’s Word. We work for you. You could boss us around. You also work for us. You may not get paid for the work that you do around here, but you do work for us. We need you to get stuff done around here. There is so much that couldn’t and wouldn’t get done if you don’t do your part. You have an obligation, a duty, a responsibility. We could lay heavy expectations on you. On both of our parts, we could constantly be asking each other: What more can I get out of them? Yes, we could live in a contractual relationship. That’s one way we could live together.

OR, we could live in familial relationship. The same kinds of expectations and responsibilities exist. You would still promise to support us with your offerings so that we can give ourselves full-time to the gospel ministry around here. We would still work for you as your servants. The same expectations and responsibilities exist, but, to live in familial relationship, has such a different spirit. We would constantly be asking: How can I serve you? We would do what we could to be useful, supporting and loving relationship. A contractual relationship is not free. But a familial relationship is. Love drives it. There is no pressure, no guilt, no arm twisting. In this family, our service to the Lord and each other is sincerely and freely given. We could live in a familial relationship. This seems like a much better and freer way to live together.

This Sunday, we’re going to explore that pastor/people (shepherd/sheep) relationship. What is this relationship that we (PB&J) have with you? What is this relationship that you (all ya’ll) have with us (PB&J)? That’s what we want to explore this Sunday as we wrap up our series “Under God.”

See you Sunday!

We are his! Pastor Nate

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