Under God

Many of us, including myself, share a common experience. We grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, a national creed that declares us to be “one nation, under God.” This simple yet powerful phrase, “one nation, under God,” is a source of our love for the country we call home and a testament to our appreciation of the freedoms we enjoy.

But this same little phrase frustrates us when things in our churches, homes, and especially in our country waver from God's ways. We’re not living “under God” in this or that way.

Yet, even then, this phrase, “under God, “ can bring us great comfort and hope. We live under God no matter where we are or what we are doing, no matter what is happening around us. We always live under God. Our homes will always be under God, even when we struggle. Our church will always be under God. Our nation will always be under God, even when he is denied or mocked.

Sunday, we are starting a new series called “Under God.” In this four-week series, we want to explore and study two things. First, we want to consider the Second Petition of the Lord's Prayer in which we pray, “Your Kingdom Come.” That’s what we’ll do this Sunday. We will consider what it means to live under God. We’ll cry out with hope, “Long live the KING!" ALL CAPS as we study Psalm 72. Then, in the following weeks, we’ll consider the Fourth Commandment, in which God teaches us: “Honor your father and mother.” Here, we’ll consider what it means for us to live under those whom God has placed over us in the home, church, and state. What does it mean to honor and obey those in authority? To what does God call us as we live under him and under those whom he has placed over us?

This is an important topic since it touches on every part of our lives on earth and for our eternity in heaven. I can’t wait to dig into it with you. See you Sunday!

Pastor Nate