When I’m teaching catechism, I like to ask them questions about superheroes. I ask them who their favorite hero is. Is it Superman? Spiderman? Captain American? Captain Marvel? Who is it? Then, I follow it up and ask them another question: How did Superman become super? How did Spiderman get his spider senses? In almost every case, a superhero becomes such because something acted on them from the outside. Something from the outside changed them, empowered them, strengthened them. Prove me wrong. :)
Then I tell them that this is what happened when the Holy Spirit comes on them. Through water and the Word, the Holy Spirit dive-bombed down from heaven, lighted on you, and transformed you. Through bread and wine, the Spirit enters your mouth and drips down into your heart where he makes his home. Through the Word that you hear the Spirit wings his way into your heart and transforms you! He makes you a superhero. No, you won’t be able to fly. You won’t be able to leap tall buildings with a single jump, but you do follow Jesus now! You do have his power coursing through your veins.
It’s Pentecost! And we’re going to celebrate with great power the powerful work of the Holy Spirit!
Please join us for worship:
In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.
For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”
For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.
Kingdom Prep, Rome Trip – BBQ FUNDRAISER; Saturday, May 22nd – Between 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM. ORDER IN ADVANCE HERE: https://kplhs.org/bbq/
Pentecost Bonfire - 6:30 pm Sunday evening
A NEW SERIES begins on May 30: Resilient: Wisdom for Life under the Sun (A study in the book of Ecclesiastes).
Call meeting for 8th Grade Teacher - Sunday, May 30 after worship.