“Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless.” That’s how the Teacher starts his talk around the table. He says it and everyone nods. We do too. We nod because we have experienced the sorrow, the frustration, the pain, even the emptiness of life under the sun. This is how he starts his table talk, but this is not his end. The Teacher helps us live with a childlike faith to honestly face the quandaries of existence in this fallen world. We can enjoy life’s little pleasures as gifts from our gracious God. We can roll with the punches and look realistically at the problems of earthly life. We can even laugh in the face of such trouble. The faith inspired by the Teacher is resilient. Even death cannot shake us. We learn to live resiliently with the simple faith of a child.
This weekend we’ll be looking at Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. The sermon will, in a way, serve as an introduction the life of faith God calls us to live. What is this life? It is not a life under the sun. That is meaningless. It is, rather, a life above and beyond the sun that God invites us to live. Can’t wait! I won’t be empty or vanity or meaningless.
Please join us for worship:
In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.
For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”
For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.
A NEW SERIES begins on May 30: Resilient: Wisdom for Life under the Sun (A study in the book of Ecclesiastes).
Call meeting for 8th Grade Teacher - Sunday, May 30 after worship.
Farewell and Service of Thanksgiving to our teachers who are stepping into new vocations: Rebecca Wockenfuss, Robert Ceasar, and Morgan Lautz. We will gather for worship at 9:30 am on Sunday, June 6, and a meal will follow. With the lifting of certain covid restrictions we are having a picnic style meal where the main portion, meat, will be provided. You are encouraged to bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share. We want you to come and celebrate them whether you bring a dish or not. See you there!
COVID restrictions eased on June 1. See the Mount Weekly for more information about what that means for worship and our other gatherings at Mount Lebanon.