You can’t stop the gospel. After Stephen was stoned (Acts 7), a great persecution broke out but so did a mighty witness from God’s people. You can’t stop the gospel. In fact, when the church was divided and, then, scattered, it only served to multiply the witness of the church. The gospel went like gangbusters - to Judea, to Samaria - to Jew and Gentile. The gospel made it all the way to Antioch and now to the ends of the earth. You can’t stop the gospel.
This weekend, we want to ask consider what it means to wear the name of Christ. We carry the name of Christ! It was given to us at our baptisms. We are Christians, little Christs. You might even say that we are Christ’s. What does it mean for us to wear this name? We’ll be looking at Acts 11:19-30.
We’ll get to experience part of the answer this weekend when we hear three young ladies give their testimony and confess their faith before God and before Christ’s church. We’ll stand with them in this faith.
Please join us for worship:
In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.
For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”
For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.
Hampton Heights Clean-up on May 15.
Confirmation on May 16.