Resilient #6 - Faith and Fear


The book of Ecclesiastes is tough book for a lot of reasons. As the table talk starts, Solomon wonders aloud what the meaning of life is. He investigates with us and keeps on asking, “What is the point of all this life under the sun?” The good and the bad, the righteous and the wicked, they all die in the end. We all suffer the same. People endure the same unbearable life under the sun that animals do. It’s a tough book because he pushes us to ask, “What’s the point?”

It’s also tough because you have to read the whole book before you really get the point. Solomon must have been a great joke teller because he saves the punch line for the very end. Oh, he leaves hints along the way, but he doesn’t really drop the mic, so-to-speak, until this last chapter.

I hope you’ve stuck around through this whole series and you’ve maybe even cracked open the book of Ecclesiastes to look at what we didn’t study together. I pray that it’s a book and a series that sticks with you the rest of your life and maybe even sticks you, as a goad with a sharp nail in the end of it.

Solomon has been doing something to us this whole time and it’s time we get to the bottom of what he’s doing. We’ll be looking at the final chapter of Ecclesiastes this weekend, chapter 12. It will help us live as God’s people in this country we call America.