Jesus and We - #1 - Chosen


As we look forward to snapping back and launching forward with our ministry, it’s good for us to understand what it means for us to be the church. There is no better place for us to learn that than in the book of Ephesians. Ephesians is all about the church. It is not about one of us, “just me.” It is about all of us. How we got here. Who we are. Where we are going. It is about all of us. And not just us. Jesus too! This is a series about Jesus and We. This weekend, Paul pulls back the curtain and shows us how long this plan, this work of God, has been in the works. The church - and we as members of it - is not a new idea. It’s an idea that is older than the hills. Look at Ephesians 1:3-14 and you’ll see what I mean. I’ll see you this weekend.