The Gifts Wisdom Gives


O Highest Wisdom, Come


We are now entering the season of Advent. “Advent” means coming or arrival. This means that it is a season of anticipation, longing and hope. We look forward to and long for the coming of Christ even while we celebrate the fact that he came. We call out to him through this antiphon to come. But for what do we call him to come? We long for Wisdom to come to order all things in might, power and wisdom. We look fo rWisdom to come to meet our needs. We hope in the coming of Wisdom to give us our eternal inheritance.

We cry out, “O Highest Wisdom, Come!”


This Sunday, we see that Wisdom has all the riches of heaven in his storehouse. He is pleased to give these gifts to us today in our lives and eternally in heaven. Come, O Wisdom!


O Highest Wisdom, come.

While reaching end to end

In sweetness ordering all,

To us, O mighty Savior,

Discerning judgment teach.


Lord God,

Fill our hearts with your love

And our minds with your wisdom

So that our actions will be pleasing to you.

May your peace, which surpasses all understanding,

Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, through your Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Nate

Be sure to check out the Mount Weekly linked below for all of the other awesome stuff going on.