During these services to wrap up the year, the weekly email will include an overview and some points to ponder in preparation for the coming service.
During the coming weeks leading up to Christmas, we will cry out, “O Come!” The title of our series comes from the O Antiphons. These are short sentences and prayers that historically have accompanied the Magnificat canticle of Evening Prayer from Dec 17-23. These sentences embody a a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but present ones as well. Their repeated use of the imperative “Come!” embodies the longing of all for the Divine Messiah.
Our Sunday services will follow the theme: O Come, Wisdom.
O Highest Wisdom, Come
O Highest Wisdom, come.
While reaching end to end
In sweetness ordering all,
To us, O mighty Savior,
Discerning judgment teach.
During our Sunday services in preparation for Christmas, we celebrate and reflect on the wisdom of God, which is Jesus. This wisdom is not common, but one that is from on high. His gospel is not shallow, but one that is deep and passes understanding.His is a wisdom in which the greatest intellect would be drowned! Scripture teaches us that Christ himself is wisdom. As Wisdom from on high, he comes to us to give us rich gifts, most of all life through his death and an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.
We cry out, “O Highest Wisdom, Come!”
Lord God,
Fill our hearts with your love
And our minds with your wisdom
So that our actions will be pleasing to you.
May your peace, which surpasses all understanding,
Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, through your Holy Spirit. Amen.
We see that Christ truly is Wisdom behind, above, and through every throne. Yes, it may seem to most that Christ and the message of his cross is foolishness and weakness, yet he is truly the Wisdom and Power of God. And, since that is the case, he is the power behind all thrones since he sits on heaven’s highest throne.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Nate
Be sure to check out the Mount Weekly linked below for all of the other awesome stuff going on.