Faith's Grit

Faith’s Grit

If you looked in a dictionary next to the word “grit,” it wouldn’t surprise me at all if you saw a picture of the prophet Jeremiah. We haven’t focused much on the man, the prophet, the legend, Jeremiah, but there is something there for men to learn about being men, and for Christians to learn about being gritty and full of faith.

Consider this. He was given a command to be hard-headed and steely at the command of the Lord, to preach to a stubborn people. He simply obeyed God’s command and what did it get him? Beaten. Put in the stocks. Thrown in a cistern. Mocked. Ridiculed. Arrested multiple times. Accused of treason and treachery of the worst kind. And it was always and only because he was a man of faith who refused to back down even when it was hard, who stood in faith and trusted his God, who accepted the Word of God even when it didn’t make sense, and acted on that word of God.

His faith-fullness (no, that isn’t a typo) has left a testimony for us. He shows us what is looks like to live a life of faith. He shows us what it is to live by faith in God, to live by faith in God’s Word. He shows us what it looks likes to step out in faith and to leave a testimony for the world to see by our faith-full acts.

We don’t often do case-studies like this, but we will on Sunday. This Sunday, we have the testimony of a life lived by faith. We’ll read Jeremiah 32:4-15, but the whole chapter will be in view. In fact, the whole of Scripture will be in view as we examine faith and what it looks like to live by faith.

See you Sunday! Pastor Nate