Some things are absolutely unbreakable. Consider the love of a parent for their child. It is a bond that is not easily severed. It is love that is not easily dismissed. There is something about the relationship of care of a parent for a child that does not go away. With Isaiah the prophet, God wondered aloud, “Can a mother forget the child at her breast? … Though she may forget [unthinkable though that is], I will not forget” (Isaiah 49:15-17). As unthinkable as it may be that a parent would forget their child, it is even more unthinkable and even impossible that God would forget you, his child.
And can mountains fall into the heart of the sea? Can the earth give way? Surely, that seems impossible. Yet, “even though its waters roar and foam, even though mountains fall into the heart of the sea, we will not fear because God is with us. That presence will never be removed. (Cf. Psalm 46:1-3). God’s presence and protection are surely immovable.
And what about the sunrise and sunset? Will that daily cycle of day and night ever be removed? I can’t imagine a day when it wouldn’t happen. As long as I’ve been alive, and even before that, it has continued on. It has been happening since Day 1 of this world. “There was evening and morning the first day” (Genesis 1:5). It is one thing that has not changed the moment when light first appeared on this earth.
It is unbreakable. Try if you can. Try to break God’s covenantal relationship with day and night, with sunrise and sunset. Try to ruin that rhythm, if you will. But you can’t. You won’t. It is truly unbreakable. In the same way, all of God’s promises to us are “yes” in Christ. His promises to us are more sure than this. Tomorrow, we’ll see how absolutely unbreakable and sure his promises to us are. We’ll be looking at Jeremiah 33:14-26.
Faith Builders Sunday
October 15 + 9:30 am
Scholars from our school will sing.
Lunch together
Build together.
We will have specific projects identified to continue to help us prepare for our new building project.
NOTE: We will be painting some signs and building some work benches to continue our preparation. After lunch, we’ll get to work on these things. Either wear some work clothes to church or bring a change of clothes. Let’s dig into this together.
Every once in a while, we want to take some extra steps to get to know each other and the people walking with us at Mount Lebanon. Sunday (10/15) will be our first one. When you come to church, grab a name tag, so we can get to know each other.