NEW SERIES - This Weekend at the Mount

The Kingdom of God and…

Over the last number of weeks, we have seen how the kingdom of Jesus is unstoppable. This is for our comfort, hope and encouragement. We are safe in his care. Now, we want to move to action. When he called us into his kingdom, he made us a part of what he is doing in this world to redeem and restore all things, especially people. In this series, we want to imagine the ways by which we might join Jesus in his mission.

#1 - The Kingdom of God and Forward Momentum.

The kingdom of God keeps pressing forward. It is not static or still. The Day of Pentecost is evidence of this. People from all over, from all walks of life, from multiple languages, cultures, and ethnicities heard and went home with the gospel and so the kingdom went forward into all the world. This is still the case today. We have our own little “Pentecost” today and then we go out into our world with the Spirit empowering us to testify about our God and Lord. The mission we have is an explosion of hope and love and joy.

For all other news and notes, check out “the Mount Weekly.”