There are 24 hours in a day. We can’t make more of them. It is zero sum.
There are seven days in a week. We can’t extend the week. People have tried to create a ten day week to try to make more time. It didn’t work.
We can’t make more or less time, we can only use the time that we have in as wise a way as possible. Each moment, each hour, each week, even each month and year is a gift from our Sovereign Lord who has wisely and mightily ordered all things.
He has given us this time so that we might know him and so that we might share him. Yes, the Triune God holds all people and times in his hand. He is the Lord of time and eternity. He is the Lord of our lives and our time. He has given each us a certain amount of time during which we might serve him. We want to use that time wisely and well. And so, we’ll make the most of every opportunity, seizing every appointment that the Lord sets for us. This Sunday, as we continue to meditate on the mission of God of which we are a part we will see how the Lord uses our time for the sake of the people whom God places in our path.
For all other news and notes, check out “The Mount Weekly.”