Revelation 5:5, “‘Weep no more; behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered so that He can open the scroll and its seven seals’.”
What do you see when you look at the image above. Let the picture take you wherever it will. That’s what art is meant to do. It is meant to take us somewhere. Let me tell you what I see.
I see a Lamb. He is at the front and center of this image. He looks like he is slain, but he does not look defeated. He has the marks of his Passion as a crown on his brow, but he has a calm and confident look about him. He was slain, but now he is victorious. I see the Lamb, and I think of Jesus, the Lamb who was slain but now lives victoriously.
All around the Lamb is fire. The entire scene is enveloped with fire. Indeed, the apostle John and his readers were enveloped in the fire of persecution. And, though we are not persecuted as John was, we still face the fire in our lives. The fire of warring against the world and our nature. It is all around us.
But what does the Lamb hold? It’s a scroll. It’s a scroll with a scene of peace and serenity drawn on it. Yes, this Lamb holds the future in his control. John can’t open the scroll; no one can. This is why he weeps. But there is one who can open the scroll. This is what John hears about the Lamb. Not only does the Lamb know the future purposes of God, but he is the one who carries them out. Our future is known and controlled by him.
Tomorrow, in worship we’ll be looking at Revelation 5. In preparation, as you have the time, Read Revelation 4 and 5. It is all part of the same vision (Actually, the entire vision is Revelation 4:1 - 8:5). We’ll take a fuller and closer look at this Lamb who takes this scroll and what it means for our lives now.
For all other news and notes, check out “the Mount Weekly.”
For the artist’s explanation of the artwork, go here.