Unstoppable Kingdom
Our lives are full of trouble and problems of every sort. It has been this way ever since Adam and Eve ate from the tree in the Garden. Ever since that time, God has been on the move to redeem and restore all things. He cannot be stopped. The resurrection of Jesus is proof of this. And he's not done yet. Heaven and earth will finally be restored to glory, death will be reversed, and evil will be defeated forever.
A new series starts on Easter, April 17. We’ll revel in the resurrection of Jesus and the vision of John given in Revelation. Our song of the series is “Before the Throne of God Above” you can listen to it here: https://youtu.be/WrlSpUAyPgc
There are a number of really cool fellowship opportunities coming up in the next couple of weeks. Check them out and other announcements in “The Mount Weekly.”
Dear family,
For the last two seasons of Advent and Lent we have offered two midweek opportunities (4:30 pm and 6:30 pm). We have learned in the process that an earlier time is preferrable. We also desire to gather our whole family together for these special worship services. We would like to propose an alternative that, perhaps, will serve all well. To help us in our planning for next Advent, please reflect on these two options below and choose your favorite. Based on your feedback, the Board of Nurture will make plans for next Advent.
A soup supper at 4:30 pm and one service at 5:30 pm.
One service at 4:30 pm and a second service at 5:30 pm.
These are the two options. We are trying to accommodate families who want to get their children home for an early bed time. We are also trying to accommodate working folks who might not get off until 5. We will distribute a survey on Sunday that allows you to share your preference. The same survey is in our Facebook Group if you won’t be there this Sunday or the next.
In his service,
Pastor Nate