Jesus and We - #8 - Bringing it Home: Why does Paul spend so much time talking about marriage? He spends more time on this topic than on almost any other topic in this book. Why? There is a mystery here that Paul unveils. Marriages and our families are reflections of Christ and of the church. And so, the adage proves true that a healthy church helps to create a healthy home and a healthy home creates a healthy church. It’s vital that we bring the truth about the Christian home into the church. This Sunday we’ll be looking at Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4.
The next couple of weeks will be pretty big for us. We’re kicking off our fall ministry in a big way. Let these bullet points serve as the highlights. This weekend take home one of the “If not you, then who? If not now, then when” booklets. So much good stuff is inside.
First, GATHERING with each other and God in worship. We will still have Saturday services this weekend, but starting next week, the Saturday service will be a thing of the past. Starting on September 2, we will offer a 5:30 pm Evening Prayer service every Thursday and a Sunday Morning Worship Service every Sunday at 9:30 am. It’s going to be great!
Second, GROWING in God’s Word. Connect groups are kicking off the weekend of September 19th. Sign up here. That same Sunday we are kicking off Club 516 and a “Sunday at a Glance” Bible study from 8:45 - 9:15 am every Sunday. Club 516 is our children’s ministry (the one formerly known as Sunday School) for grades PreK - 6th grade. Look for more information about this (If you’re interested in teaching, please talk to Pastor Nate). The adults who come a little early are invited to a brief look at the readings coming up in worship. Again, it’s going to be great!
Third, WELCOME HOME! We’re kicking all of this off on September 12 at 9:30 am. The WISCO Steel Pan Band will be with us in worship and we’re having a full-on potluck. Sign up here. We’ll have lunch together and then… then, a family kickball game. What!?! Yes. A kickball game. TAKE HOME AN INVITATION THIS WEEKEND AND INVITE SOMEONE TO JOIN US.
Finally, there are a lot of really great ways to get involved right now. We have School Outreach Fridays (Email PK for more information). There is our choir. There is teaching Club 516, the time formerly known as Sunday School. We will be launching an intentional effort to connect members to one another. And much more. Look for a sign-up sheet for these many great things weekend.
We hope you’ll join us this weekend as we discover what the apostle Paul has to say to us about our marriages and families as we dive into God’s Word.
Saturday at 5:30 pm.
Sunday at 9:30 am.
We are his! Pastor Nate