The Mount Weekend Update - 8/20/21


Time is short. Each one of us only has one life to live. Each moment is there only for a moment so it’s vital that we think carefully about how we live in each moment. Paul calls us as the church to be thoughtful, reflective and intentional about the lives that we live. We are not going to give up our shot. A study of Ephesians 5:15-20.

Please join us for worship:

In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.

For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”

For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.


  • Annual Voter’s Meeting on Sunday, August 22 after worship.

  • Welcome Home Sunday - Sunday, September 12. It’s coming!!