The Mount Weekend Update - 6/11/2021


Work: A Sacred Calling. Do you agree? Do you disagree? How exactly do you feel about the work that you do? And I’m not just talking about work you get paid for. I’m talking about your work as a mother or a father. I’m talking about the labor of the retiree. I’m talking about the toil of a teen and the chores of a child. All of us work even if we don’t get a paycheck for us.

Do you see your work as a sacred calling or is it more of a grind? Do you find yourself wondering if your work even matters? Do you find your work mundane or ordinary, without any sense of true meaning?

This weekend, we’ll be looking at Ecclesiastes 2:17-26. Here Solomon struggles with his own work and wonders what the point is. It seemed so meaningless to him. We want to reclaim what is special and sacred and holy about the work that God gives us to do.

Please join us for worship:

In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.

For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”

For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.


  • New Member Welcome: This Sunday during our regular service we will welcome a number of dear people into our family, officially. Vincent Ceasar, Joe and Sharon Hoffman, and Siri Uden along with her children. Let’s welcome them whole heartedly into our family.

  • Congregational Campout and Retreat - July 30 - August 1 in the Falls.