This is the Biggest Week of the Year!
Are you looking for hope that stands firm in the face of pandemic, unrest, insecurity, or worry? Join us this weekend and on Easter in-person or online to learn how the death and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead gives certain hope for uncertain times. It is proof that God keeps his promises to forgive our sin and fix this broken world. Please be our guest to find community, uplifting worship, and a message of certain hope no matter how uncertain your times may be.
Good Friday
This is the day on which Jesus died. He was condemned under the judgment of Pontius Pilate and the accusation of the crowd. He did all of this for us and our salvation. This Friday is certainly “good".”
Join us for worship!
1 pm - The Service of the Cross and the Supper (with Pastor Bourman).
6:30 pm - A Service of Darkness (Tenebrae) (with Pastor Krueger)
We will Livestream both services.
Maundy Thursday
This is the night on which Jesus was betrayed and handed over to be killed. It is also the night on which he instituted his Supper for the forgiveness of our sins.
Join us for worship!
4:45 pm and 6:30 pm (with Pastor Bourman.
We will also Livestream the 6:30 pm service.
Join us in the dark and then watch the Light(s) come on! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Our celebration starts in the dark and ends with the Light! With Pastor Krueger.
Between our two Easter services, we will serve a light breakfast and provide an opportunity for food, fellowship, and family fun. We even have a family scavenger hunt arranged with gifts for the whole family! We also know that everyone dresses up for Easter! So come early or stay late to take some fun pictures in your Easter best. All of this will be provided with safety precautions in place to provide a safe environment for our celebration of Easter together.
The darkness is gone; the Light has risen! Death is defeated; Life has come! Now, we shout with all the joy in our hearts: Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Our singing will not be muted. Our praise will not be silenced for Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! With Pastor Bourman.