The Mount Weekend Update - Palm Sunday!!

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Palm Sunday was a noisy day as the crowds and children cry out.  Try to imagine for a moment what it was like.  Jesus and his disciples started out in Bethany, which was about two miles outside of Jerusalem.  Then, after the disciple had fetched a donkey for Jesus the ride started.  There was a crowd already with Jesus as he marched down from Bethany into the valley between Bethany Jerusalem.  And as they marched the crowd only grew as they got closer and closer to the city.  People came out with their jackets and their shirts.  People cut down branches from Palm branches. They waved them.  They put them on the path as if were the red carpet.  And then this growing crowd began to shout.  Yes, shout.  “Hosanna!  Hosanna! To the Son of David.  Blessed to the one who comes in the name of the Lord.  Hosanna in the highest heaven.  Come and save us now, Messiah!”  It must have nearly become a nearly deafening noise that all of Jerusalem heard. 

Palm Sunday was a noisy day.  I wonder what Pilate thought.  He was in charge of this city and this region and now a king was coming in and everyone is cheering for him.  I wonder what Pilate thought.  I’m not sure, what we do know what the Jewish leaders thought.  They hated it.  They wanted Jesus to tell the crowds and the children to quiet down.  They weren’t cheering loudly for Jesus, but they sure were loud in their objection to him and to the cheering crowds.  And the noise only grew. 

Palm Sunday is a noisy day. It’s noisy with cheers from the crowd.  It’s noise with the jeers of the Jewish leadership.  It’s even noisy for us.  In the middle of the quiet, contemplative, minor-key songs of Lent we get this Sunday filled with sounds of joy and gladness.  It’s noisy as we sing, “Hosanna! Loud hosanna, the little children sang.”  And I pray that the noise of your joy and excitement continues throughout this week.  I pray that you are so excited and thankful about your Savior Jesus that you’re not only here during this week to worship him but that you’re telling people about our worship so that they too can come and sing with us. Jesus is kind of a big deal. The crowds knew it then.  We know it today.  And we want other people to know it too.  We want them to come and see what all the fuss is about.   Palm Sunday is still a noisy day. And we’re going to add to the noise as we gather for worship this weekend. We’re going to add to the noise as we continue on with our lives in leaving God’s house.

Please join us for worship:

In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.

For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”

For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.


  • Neighborhood Postcard Distribution - 3/28 after church.

  • Maundy Thursday Worship: 4:45 pm and 6:30 pm (same service with Pastor Bourman).

  • Good Friday Worship: 1 pm with Pastor Bourman; 6:30 pm Tenebrae service with Pastor Krueger.

  • Easter Sunrise at 7 am with Pastor Krueger; Easter breakfast at 8 am; 9:30 am Easter Festival service with Pastor Bourman.

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Are you looking for hope that stands firm in the face of pandemic, unrest, insecurity, or worry? Join us this Easter in-person or online to learn how the resurrection of Jesus from the dead gives certain hope for uncertain times. It is proof that God keeps his promises to forgive our sin and fix this broken world. Please be our guest to find community, uplifting worship, and a message of certain hope no matter how uncertain your times may be.


Join us in the dark and then watch the Light(s) come on! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Our celebration starts in the dark and ends with the Light!


Between our two Easter services, we will serve a light breakfast and provide an opportunity for food, fellowship, and family fun. We even have a family scavenger hunt arranged with gifts for the whole family! We also know that everyone dresses up for Easter! So come early or stay late to get your picture taken in your Easter best. All of this will be provided with safety precautions in place to provide a safe environment for our celebration of Easter together.


The darkness is gone; the Light is risen! Death is defeated; Life has come! Now, we shout with all the joy in our hearts: Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Our singing will not be muted. Our praise will not be silenced for Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!