When you see the glory of God, it changes you. How can it not? When Moses saw the glory of God, his face glowed with a reflection of the glory of God until that glory faded. When the disciples saw the glory of God in the face of the transfigured Jesus, they were filled with boldness and shameless audacity when they finally understood what had happened. This weekend, we will see the glory of God in the face of Jesus and it will change us. How can it not?
This weekend we celebrate and remember the transfiguration of Jesus and as we do we will be transfigured too. Yes, “we all…are being transformed (transfigured!) into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).
We are his! Pastor Nate
We’d love to see you this weekend in worship:
In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm. (Also Livestreamed)
In-person on Sunday at 9:30 am (Also Livestreamed).
You can always find the live-stream here.
We’re kicking off a prayer campaign on Wednesday, 2/21/2021. Sign-up here to receive a daily prayer list and/or prayer at 6:30 pm in your email: Sign-up here. https://forms.gle/YwKuCUQuWWAXJ7Kg6
In addition, we hope to have prayer booklets for you to take home on Sunday. More details will be shared this weekend!
For all other news and notes check out “The Mount Weekly” HERE.
Calendar Highlights
10 am - 12 pm + Food Pantry
5:30 pm + Worship!
9:30 am + Worship!
11 am + Voter’s Meeting.
Ash Wednesday - 2/21/2021
4:45 pm + Ash Wednesday Worship
6:30 pm + Ash Wednesday Worship