This Weekend at the Mount - 11/7/2021


Martin Luther once said, “Peace if possible; truth at all costs.”  Why does the truth of God’s Word and true, biblical teaching matter so much that we would lose everything to keep it? In this series we explore some of the things that Jesus said about truth and learn why it matters so much that we will die to hold it and give up all things in order to share it.

11/7/21 - Truth and Judgment (John 5:19-30)

The resurrection of the dead is coming. Jesus proclaims it. The judgment of all people will follow right behind the resurrection. Jesus makes that clear. What will that day bring? What will that day be like? The truth of God not only teaches us about that day, but prepares us for it so that we will be able to stand before him confidently. 

Tomorrow morning will be our “Everyday Evangelism” seminar and workshop. Even if you have not registered to come, please do come. The more the merrier!

For all other news and notes, check out “the Mount Weekly.”