Update Tuesday - 6/16/2020


We are in the middle of a very difficult and trying season of life.  First (and still) COVID-19 and racial tensions are flaring up.  And those are just the things in the news.  In addition to all of these, there are other things that press down on us.  God has something to say to us this weekend (and always). First, we live in a world where the Devil is our enemy and evil seems to rule. We are hard-pressed on every side, but we will not be crushed. Right next to the reality that there is danger in this world is this greater truth that God is our refuge and strength.  As we live in, press through the trouble, and then seek to rise up out of it as a phoenix from the ashes, we learn this weekend to find refuge in our God. In any and every moment of life, GOD is here.

God be with you this week as you live in him and work for him.

Hampton Heights - Team Up to Clean Up.png

Just a reminder that it is not too late to volunteer for our neighborhood “Team Up to Clean Up” event this weekend (June 20 from 3-5 pm).

Right now (TODAY, TUESDAY @ 10 am), we’re heading out to pass out flyers to our neighborhood inviting them to come along and be part of the clean-up project. If you can’t come along on an organized flyer distribution, you can go out on your own. We’ll give you some postcards and a map. Let’s do this!

Contact PK with any questions you may have or to help out with this project.

Email: PastorK@MtLebanonLuth.org

Phone: 414-477-2755

Weekend Worship.PNG

We’re back to church and we were able to do it in a safe way. This Sunday, we will do things exactly the same way. You can read that plan here. We will be evaluating this plan over the weekend and update this plan for the following weekend. For the time being, we will be trying this Saturday service as a potential way to serve more people with a more casual service. Please let us know what you think of this idea as we seek to serve you and our community with the gospel.

We continue to request that you sign-up for worship. For the time being we are seeking to control the number of those gathering together. When we evaluate things this weekend, it may not be necessary to sign-up any longer.


Daniel: Far from Home

Tomorrow, June 17, we want to invite you to join a new Bible reading lan with your church family. You can download the reading plan below. Read one section of Daniel a day and skip Sundays (Because you’ll be in church or will have a sermon to read, watch and meditate on it.).  You can sign-up to receive a devotion and a prayer based on these readings here: http://eepurl.com/dACBv5

PBJ (Pastor Bourman and his son are currently have a debate about who gets these initials) is also posting daily devotions based on these readings on both Facebook Live (Daily at 8 am) and on our YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/c/MtLebanonChurch).

Let’s grow in our faith together.