Up from the Ashes

Up from the Ashes #5: Embrace the Moment

We’re at a climax now in our worship. We’ve spent our time in lament. We’ve spent our time finding security and safety in the arms of our God. We’ve covered up our shame in the glory of Christ. We’ve thrown down the accusation of the Accuser by the blood of the Lamb. We are not victims anymore; we are victors. Yes, we are more than victors through Christ. And we have a glorious purpose for our lives. It may seem ordinary and simply. But it is not! The callings that God has given you, your vocations, are his extraordinary gift you. God thinks quite highly of you that he would impact your family, your church and your community through you. It’s time for us, the people of God, to rise like a phoenix and rise from the ashes.

This weekend, on the final weekend of this series, we will be looking at God’s direction for exiles. We are in an exile of sorts; yes, we are aliens and strangers in this world. This becomes clearer and clearer day by day. God’s advice was simple: Stop grumbling. Stop trying to get back to normal. And enjoy the life God has given you. #embracethemoment. More on that this weekend as we look at Jeremiah 29:4-9.

We're at a climax now in our worship. We've spent our time in lament. We've spent our time finding security and safety in the arms of our God. We've covered ...

Up from the Ashes #4: Called to Vocation


How does God get his work done on earth? How does God do his work in our day to day lives? He does it in the most ordinary ways. He could care for us through miracles from his hands - and he certainly does sometimes. He could send angels to do his work in this world - and he certainly does sometimes. The writer to the Hebrews says that angels are God’s ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. God most often works through US! He calls parents to take care of kids. He calls spouses to take care of each other. He calls leaders to govern our cities and countries; he calls pastors to shepherd. You get the idea. God does his work in ordinary ways through you and through me.

It’s time for us to see the grand purpose that God has given us in the vocations to which God has called us. A sermon by Pastor Paul Krueger from Mount Lebanon.

Up from the Ashes #3: Of Dogs, Sheep and Lions.


What sort of story do you tell yourself or to other people about your life? What is the narrative that you write to describe how things have gone or happened during your years on this earth? Chances are things have happened in your life that were not always pleasant and might even be considered traumatic. Chances are painful moments and even seasons have come and passed which have left a lasting scar on your heart and maybe on your face (or some other part of your body).

But back to the question: What sort of story do you tell yourself or to other people about your life? Do you tell the story of one who has been a victim of circumstance? A victim or trauma? A victim of tragedy? Do you tell the story of a victim? Or do you tell a different story, the story of one who is victorious in Christ? Of One who is more than a conqueror?

This weekend in worship we’re walking into the gospel, into the promise from our God that we are not victims, not sheep marked for the slaughter, but instead we are __________________. Look it up and read ahead through Romans 8:31-39. You won’t be disappointed. I can’t wait to dig into with you.

Up from the Ashes #1: Cover Up


The sun is rising and a new day is dawning. It's time for God's people to rise up from the ashes. It's time to rise up from the ashes of shame and to rise up in the glory of Christ. It's time to leave behind the burden of guilt and rise up in the freedom of sins forgiven. It's time to rise up and leave behind sheepish ways and then to live as lions, more than conquerors in Christ. It's time for us to rise up and step into the lives and into the callings which our God has given us. It's time for us to rise up from the ashes and step into the new day of grace that our God is giving us.

Today, we look at Genesis 3:7-8 and 3:21 and see how God covered shame with glory.