
Tomorrowland #5: My Big Brother Jesus


Jesus has one more end-times teaching for us and it’s important. It is a word to his church about their lives together until he comes. It is a word to his church about their judgment when he comes. It is a word to his church about who we are to him now and into all eternity. We’re his family and he will vindicate us in the end.

We’re looking at Matthew 25:31-46. It is Jesus’ great teaching about Judgment Day. It is a word from Jesus of tremendous worth and great comfort to us.

Tomorrowland #5: My Big Brother Jesus
Pastor Nate Bourman

Tomorrowland #4: The Good Master


They couldn’t wait. Ever since the Master had entrusted them with their bags of gold, their talents, they had been investing it As soon as their master left on his journey, they got to work. They couldn’t wait to do something with that which had been entrusted to them. They had been working hard. They had been working wisely. They had been working diligently.  And so those two servants couldn’t wait. They had something to show their Master. They had done something and they couldn’t wait to show him. They were waiting on pins and needles, excited for his return, so that they could run up to him and say, “Look! Look at what we did with what you gave us!” They couldn’t wait for his return so they could bring their prizes to him.

Is that how you feel as you wait for Jesus? He has entrusted much to you. As you wait for him are you doing something with what he has entrusted to you? Are you excited, perhaps like a pre-schooler is, to show him what you’ve done while he was gone? “Look! Look what I’ve done!” Are you excited for his return to show him what you’ve done?

This weekend we’re looking at Matthew 25:14-30. It is traditionally called the parable of the talents. And I can’t wait to open up this parable to you. I can’t wait to show you the good Master so that you are excited to greet him so that you can’t wait to bring the fruits of your labors to show him. “Look! Look what I’ve done!”

Tomorrowland #4: The Good Master
Pastor Nate Bourman

Tomorrowland #3: The Coming Groom


It reads like a horror story. It really does. Hands are banging on the door, and no one opens. Voices cry out for someone to open and someone to answer, but no one does. On the inside, there is dancing and singing and eating and drinking and laughter and joy. Outside there is terror and fear and separation and sadness. Through the wooden door, the virgins hear a muffled voice, “I don’t know you.” And they slink away into the darkness. It reads like a horror story. 

This is one of the parables that Jesus tells.  He tells us a parable about ten virgins. Five who were wise and five who were foolish. See, heaven is a party, an eternal party. And Jesus doesn’t want us to miss out. He has prepared this party for us to enjoy with him and with all God’s people forever. He wants us to be ready when he comes so that we will go with him into the wedding banquet. He tells us the parable of the ten virgins so that we will be ready when he comes. This Sunday, we learn from Jesus how to be wise as we wait for the Groom. We will be looking at Matthew 25:1-13.

Tomorrowland #3: The Coming Groom
Pastor Nate Bourman

Tomorrowland #2: Faithful and Wise


Jesus is coming. This is abundantly clear. The signs of his imminent return are all around us. 

Jesus is coming. He will come suddenly like a thief in the night, at a time when no one expects it. Life will go on as normal and then suddenly he will arrive.

Jesus is coming. But how should we prepare? What should we be doing as we wait for his coming? How should we be living? What should be believing? What should we do to watch?

This weekend, as we walk through some of Jesus’ most important teachings. he will give us answers to these questions and more through four parables. This weekend, we’ll be looking at the parable of the two servants, one wise and the other wicked. Read Matthew 24:36-51.

Tomorrowland #2: Faithful and Wise
Pastor Nate Bourman

Tomorrowland #1: The Fig Tree


In a world filled with death, war, and evil, how will we face what feels like an unknowable future? What do we do with our anxiety regarding the days ahead? Jesus has clear words for his disciples and us in Matthew 24 and 25.  Here he provides a warning and comfort, and reassurance to us who are living in uncertain times. He teaches us about what we should do while awaiting his return. He encourages us to be prepared, cling to the truth of what they have been taught, and living responsibly in light of the future. How can we take these words to heart and face the future without fear? 

A sermon on Matthew 24:1-14, 30-35.

Tomorrowland #1: The Fig Tree
Pastor Paul Krueger

NEW SERIES - Tomorrowland.


NEW SERIES begins this Sunday.

In a world filled with death, war, and evil, how will we face what feels like an unknowable future? What do we do with our anxiety regarding the days ahead? What should we expect in the days to come? Jesus has clear words for his disciples and us in Matthew 24 and 25.  There he provides a warning and comfort, and reassurance to us who are living in uncertain times. He teaches us about what we should do while awaiting his return. He encourages us to be prepared, cling to the truth of what we have been taught, and living responsibly in light of the future. How can we take these words to heart and face tomorrow without fear? Jesus has something to say. Let’s listen.
