Short Stories

Short Stories #5: The Parable of the Gathering of the Fish, of bringing them to shore, and then separating them into baskets.

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“The kingdom of heaven is like…”

And so it begins. Once again Jesus comes to us to teach us about his work in the world through his Word and through his sacraments. Once again Jesus comes to teach us about the coming of his kingdom now and at the end of the age.

The final parable in this series leads us to thoughts of urgency. Jesus is coming to gathering his people into glory and to send the wicked to hell. There is an urgency about this parable. NOW, NOW is the time for us to do our work as Christians and as a church to share the gospel with any people as possible while there is yet time.

This final parable also leads us to a deep longing and hope for his coming. Our Savior Jesus is coming and he will gather us into our heavenly home. Come, quickly, Lord Jesus.

You can read the parable in Matthew 13:47-52.

Short Stories #4: On becoming a pearl expert.


We have something special here at Mount Lebanon, something truly special. But I’m not talking about our church building, though it is something that is truly awe-inspiring. And I’m not talking about our five-star school, though it is truly a gift from our God to us and to our community. I’m not talking about anything else besides the gospel from and about our Savior, Jesus. We have something truly special here at Mount Lebanon. It’s the gospel! It’s like a treasure found in a field. It’s like an incredibly precious pearl.

Sometimes I think we forget that, or, at least, get distracted from it. Sometimes I think we forget what our true treasure is. Sometimes we lose the joy and the awe that finding and having this treasure gives us. 

As we continue our way through the “short stories” that Jesus told in Matthew 13, we want to reclaim that treasure and discover, once again, the joy that we have in the gospel.

We have something truly special here at Mount Lebanon. Let’s treasure it. Let’s enjoy it. Let’s rejoice in it. And let’s share it.

Short Stories #3: The mustard seed formula

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There is a principle that you see working itself out on every page of the Bible. There is a truth that you see being played out in every account of God’s Word. There is a formula that you see carried out as God works out salvation for us and for the world. I like to call it the “mustard seed formula.” No, I’m not talking about faith the size of a mustard seed. That’s another truth for another time. I’m talking about the way that God works in this world, the way it appears and the way it really is. It seems small. It seems insignificant. It seems weak. It seems foolish. But it is hardly that. It is the mustard seed formula. God takes something small, insignificant, weak and foolish and accomplishes some big, glorious and majestic.  We’re looking at the Parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31-33.

Short Stories #2: Weeds and the Wheat

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Jesus is our Savior. He is also our Teacher. He often told short stories, aka parables, that taught us spiritual truths through an earthly story. We will sit at the feet of Jesus and learn truth from him.

This Sunday we’ll be looking at the Parable of the Weeds and the Wheat (Look it up and read it - Matthew 13:24-30; and 36-43). What does Jesus want to teach me about living for him as a son or a daughter of the kingdom? Listen in.

Short Stories #1: The Sower and the Seed

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This weekend, we begin a brand-new worship series called: “Short Stories.” Jesus is our Savior. He is also our Teacher. He often told short stories, aka parables, that taught us spiritual truths through an earthly story. We will sit at the feet of Jesus and learn truth from him.

This weekend we’ll be looking at the Parable of the Sower and the Seeds (Look it up and read it - Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23). Jesus told us parables to teach his children important spiritual truths. As you start to meditate on his Word this weekend, ask yourself this question: What does Jesus mean to teach me when he says, “He who has ears, let him hear?”  Come to worship and listen to the Word from our God and about our God. He longs to bless us, free us, save us, and transform us by his Word.