O Come

O Come, Wisdom #5 - Waiting for Wisdom

We are now in the season of Advent. “Advent” means coming or arrival. This means that it is a season of anticipation, longing and hope. We look forward to and long for the coming of Christ even while we celebrate the fact that he came.

We sit right at the edge of our celebration of Christmas. It just a few days away now. It is so close we can almost taste it. Oh, how good it will be when he walks through the door and ushers us into eternity.

Today, Wisdom speaks to us through the Scriptures and tells us, “Blessed are those who wait at my door… for those who find me find life.”

O Come, Wisdom #4 - Wisdom's Delight

The countdown is on. Each Sunday that passes in this season of Advent brings us one Sunday closer to our remembrance and celebration of Christmas. Hope begins to grow. Expectation and joy begin to increase. This only grows when we consider who Wisdom truly is: He is Christ, the Lord. The One who sits on heaven’s high throne. The One who gives all gifts for body and life, for soul and eternity. The One who is the eternal Son of God, truly God and truly human being, in one person. Today, we learn another thing. He was there at the very beginning, creating this world together with the Father and the Spirit, delighting in what was being created and finding joy in us, the crown of God’s creation. He is Wisdom, the one who is delighted with us.

Today we see that Wisdom was not only there before the world was created, but he was also there at creation. He was constantly at the Father’s side, rejoicing in his presence and delighting in humankind.

O Come, Wisdom #3 - The Best Thing God Did

We are now in the season of Advent. “Advent” means coming or arrival. This means that it is a season of anticipation, longing and hope. We look forward to and long for the coming of Christ even while we celebrate the fact that he came.

Today, we meet John the Baptist who cries out, running ahead of Jesus, preparing the way for him. And what does he say? What does he tell us about Jesus, true Wisdom of God? He declare the greatness and eternity of Jesus, of Wisdom: “He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me” (John 1:15). That was his clear and loud testimony. “I am not worthy to stoop down to untie his sandals” (Luke 3:16).

O Come, Wisdom #2 - Wisdom's Gifts

This is about wisdom in the book of Proverbs, but not the practical, know-how kind of wisdom. This wisdom from God is his very own Son. As we end one church year and move into another, we call out for true wisdom from God (cf. 1 Corinthians 1) to come. Last week we learned that Christ is true wisdom. Today, we see that since Christ is wisdom on his throne, he comes with and gives gifts to meet all our needs. Proverbs 8:17-21.

O Come, Wisdom #1 - Wisdom on the throne

This is about wisdom in the book of Proverbs, but not the practical, know-how kind of wisdom. This wisdom from God is his very own Son. As we end one church year and move into another, we call out for true wisdom from God (cf. 1 Corinthians 1) to come. In this first sermon Pastor Chris explores who Wisdom is and what that means for our lives. If Christ is true wisdom, he is the power behind all thrones since he is on heaven’s highest throne. Proverbs 8:12-16.