The Scriptures share countless stories of failure on the part of the followers of Jesus. Peter fell asleep. Judas betrayed him. The disciples ran when Jesus was arrested. Peter denied him. We aren’t so different. If we were to tell the stories of our failures, the list would be long. Our memories are often scarred by the memories of our sins. Yet, Jesus rises to meet the betrayer. Jesus rises to embrace the cross. He leans into it because he knows that his cross means that our record is clean and erased. As a result, we have a new name. Luke 22:47-62.
What shall we do with Jesus - #3 - Unstoppable King
Just before he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, likely, while he was still with Zacchaeus, Jesus told a parable to help the crowd understand the kingdom of God. What will you do with this teaching from Jesus? A sermon on Luke 19:11-40 by Pastor Nate Bourman.
What shall we do with Jesus? - #2 - Falling out of Trees
Zacchaeus simply wanted to catch a glimpse of Jesus. He was a chief tax collector and was considered repulsive to so many. Yet, Jesus invited himself over for dinner at his house. And when he did, Zacchaeus practically fell out of the tree. His life was changed. Not only did he follow Jesus, but he responded with radical generosity and kindness. What will you do when Jesus invites himself over for dinner? That’s our question this week. We’ll be looking at Luke 19:1-10.
What shall we do with Jesus? - #1 - When we hear him coming.
A sermon on Luke 18:35-43. The blind man on the side of the road only heard that Jesus was passing by. He only heard, yet he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me.” What will you do when you hear of Jesus?
The Transfiguration of our Lord: A Mountain Top Experience
It's the transfiguration of Jesus and Luke takes us to the mountain where he was transfigured before them. It was a mountaintop experience for Peter, James, and John. So it is also for us. A sermon on Luke 9:28-36 (The text was read earlier in the service).
The One #5 - The One Name
A sermon on Luke 2:21-24
Waiting Room #4 - Waiting for Dismissal
A sermon on Luke 2:25-38.
Waiting Room - #3 - Waiting for Freedom
This sermon focuses on the waiting of Zechariah along with all those who waited for the Lord's redemption. For him, it meant the freeing of his tongue to praise God. For him, for them, and for us, this means that we have been set free to serve him without fear. Luke 1:57-80.
Waiting Room #2 - Waiting for Fulfillment
A sermon on the waiting of Mary to whom the Lord had promised a Son. She, with all the saints of old, waited for the Lord's sure word to be upheld. Luke 1:26-56