
Exodus Ep 6: Called to Serve

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We want to bring a word of hope to our world right now.  We want to tell people a story that will help them understand their own story. That’s why we’re going to walk through the book of Exodus.  In this sermon, we want to see and consider: What if we are the answer to our prayers?  What if God is using us to serve others and meet their needs?  We’ll be looking at Exodus 3.

Exodus Ep 5: Aliens and Strangers

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We want to bring a word of hope to our world right now.  We want to tell people a story that will help them understand their own story. That’s why we’re going to walk through the book of Exodus.  In this sermon, we want to take a look at what it looks like to live as an alien and a stranger in this world. We’ll be looking at sections from Exodus 2 and Hebrews 11.  You ready?

The video content begins at 5:15. The first part is countdown to a live study.

Exodus Ep 4: Heard

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We want to bring a word of hope to our world right now.  We want to tell people a story that will help them understand their own story. That’s why we’re going to walk through the book of Exodus.  In this sermon, we want to take a look at what God is doing through pain and suffering.  We’ll be looking at the end of Exodus 2.

Exodus Ep 2 - Connecting the Dots

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A look at Exodus 1

We want to bring a word of hope to our world right now.  We want to tell people a story that will help them understand their own story. That’s why we’re going to walk through the book of Exodus.  In this episode, we want to see from Exodus how God was at work even though the Israelites couldn’t see how all the dots connected.  It’s the same for us. We’re in the middle of our story and can’t see how it all will connect.  But we know the story of our God and the God our story so we’ll live faithfully while we wait for him to do his work. 

Exodus Ep 1 - Why Exodus?

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We want to bring a word of hope to our world right now.  We want to tell people a story that will help them understand their own story. That’s why we’re going to walk through the book of Exodus.  It is a story of God bringing his people out!  In this episode we simply want to ask the question: Why exodus?

Next time (Sunday at 9:30 am!) we’ll go back to the beginning, to Exodus 1.  We’ll see the desperate straights in which the people found themselves.