Scars #3 - The Scars of Rejection

I wonder how Jesus felt when his own people mocked him and rejected him. I wonder what he felt as people nailed him to the cross and rejected him. We ponder these things because we just don’t know how Jesus felt. But we do know how we feel when people mock and reject us. We do know how we feel when we are spurned and turned away by people. We also know this. Jesus was unafraid to step to the cross and endure its pain because he knew two things: 1) He knew that he was the Son of God. This had been affirmed to him (at least) twice before. 2) He knew that his rejection meant our acceptance by God. Our rejection by people will still hurt, yet we know that we are not and will not be rejected by our Father in heaven. (cf also Isaiah 53). Luke 22:63-71.

Scars #3 - The Scars of Rejection
Pastor Nate