Loved and Sent 4 - Inner Dialogue

There is no one more influential in your life than you because no one else talks to you more than you do. As self-talkers, we have an incredible ability to talk ourselves up or down depending on how we feel at the moment. But what is that talk based on? It can be based on our own evaluation and measurement of a situation. We value and evaluate everything we do, everything we experience, and everything that happens. We measure our value and identity by our best moments. We do the same with our worst moment. “I am good,” or, “I am bad.” “I am successful,” or, “I am a failure.” These are the conversations we have internally. It the inner dialogue we are constantly having. No one talks to you more than you do.

There is another voice speaking life and breath into your hearts. It is the voice of our Father who says, “You are loved! You are loved apart from what you do and experience in your life.” It is the voice of our Savior who says, “You are loved! I gave myself for you that you might live with me for eternally. You are dearly and deeply loved.” It is the voice of his Spirit who whispers in your heart, “You are loved and sent. I have shaped you for service and have sent you into the world. Now, go!” The voice of our God rings out at our baptisms telling us that despite what our own inner dialogue says, we are loved. 2 Corinthians 3:4-5