Storyteller #4 - The Growing Seed

Mark isn’t often much concerned with the teachings of Jesus. He is most concerned with the deeds of Christ and his working out the kingdom of God. He isn’t much concerned with his teachings, but when he is focused on the teachings of Jesus, he does it with focus and purpose. He has gathered together these parables of Jesus here in Mark chapter 4 with the express purpose of teaching us about the way that the kingdom of God moves and works.

The first parable teaches us generally about the kingdom and its movement and shows us that the life is in the seed. The second group of short little parables asks us the question: What will you do with the seed, i.e., the Word? Today, Jesus helps us to understand further the way in which the seed works. He teaches us how the kingdom grows. Next week, he will show us what the kingdom of God looks like.

Jesus is a different sort of King with a different sort of kingdom. This series of parables is meant to help us understand the way that his kingdom works and moves more fully.