Things Jesus Said #1 - About Welcoming Children

People say a lot of things about children. One of the mantra’s I remember hearing about children is this: “Children should be seen and not heard.” My parents and grandparents were probably trying to get me to be quiet so that the adults could talk. I haven’t heard that saying in quite a while, but the idea still lurks around. Children can be seen as a nuisance, in the way of getting and doing what I really want to do, insignificant and even a hindrance. “These shouldn’t be here.”

But Jesus teaches a different way. As we begin a new series on the short little sayings of Jesus, Jesus teaches us to value children and to welcome them. And when we do that, when we care for children, when we welcome them in Jesus’ name, Jesus says something astounding to us: “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me!” Yes, when you welcome a child into your arms in the name of Jesus, you are welcoming Jesus into your lap.

Wow! That’s gives a whole new image to family devotions, to classroom devotions, to the work that parents do, to the work that Christian teachers do. We’re kicking off a new series on these short little sayings of Jesus. We’ll be looking at Mark 9:30-37.