Wide as the Ocean #4 - GOD is here.


We are in the middle of a very difficult and trying season of life.  First (and still) COVID-19 and now racial tensions are flaring up.  And those are just the things in the news.  In addition to all of these there are other things that press down on us.  God has something to say to us this weekend (and always). First, we live in a world where the Devil is our enemy and evil seems to rule. We are hard-pressed on every side, but we will not be crushed. Right next to the reality that there is danger in this world is this greater truth that God is our refuge and strength.  As we live in, press through the trouble, and then seek to rise up out of it as a phoenix from the ashes, we learn this weekend to find refuge in our God. In any and every moment of life, GOD is here. We’ll be looking at Psalm 46.