See Life Better - #4 - #Blessed

This is big.  This is really big.  You can tell it is big when Jesus sits down, when his disciples come to him, and then he opens his mouth.  I think that’s a really big deal.  Matthew seems to think so too.  The translation doesn’t quite catch it.  The translation simply says, “He began to teach.”  But what Matthew says in the Greek is this: “And Jesus opened his mouth and taught them.”  This is not some casual conversation that Jesus is having.  This is life changing, destiny altering, light shining stuff that Jesus is about to say. That’s what happens whenever God opens his mouth.  God opened his mouth in the beginning and light came. Jesus opened his mouth and people were healed.  Jesus opened his mouth and the dead were raised.  Whenever Jesus opens his mouth, something amazing happens.  See, Matthew is signaling to us that Jesus is about to teach and say something really important.  And Jesus will.  In these first 12 verses alone, Jesus is going to change our lives, alter our destiny, and shine light into our hearts.  This is big.  This is really big. See Life Better: You have a blessed life and eternity from our Savior.

This is a sermon by Pastor Nate Bourman from Mount Lebanon on Matthew Matthew 5:1-12.

See Life Better - #4 - #Blessed
Pastor Nate Bourman