Worship at the Mount - 11/15/2020


Jesus is coming. This is abundantly clear. The signs of his imminent return are all around us.

Jesus is coming. He will come suddenly like a thief in the night, at a time when no one expects it. Life will go on as normal and then suddenly he will arrive.

Jesus is coming. But how should we prepare? What should we be doing as we wait for his coming? How should we be living? What should be believing? What should we do to watch?

This weekend, as we walk through some of Jesus’ most important teachings. he will give us answers to these questions and more through four parables. This weekend, we’ll be looking at the parable of the two servants, one wise and the other wicked. Read Matthew 24:36-51.

We will gather again in-person this weekend. We will gather in-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm and on Sunday at 9:30 am.

We will also stream the service on Sunday at 9:30 am here.

Please keep these things in mind as you to worship:

  • If you are feeling sick, please stay home and worship from home.

  • As you come to worship, please remember to maintain a social distance, wear your mask, and practice proper hand hygiene.

Doing these things not only are good and wise practices at this time, but they also honor our Governor who has advised us to maintain these precautions.