Who do you say I am? #4 - Taking back his World


This sermon is going to be of a different kind. Rather than preach on one specific text, I’m going to try to pull together all kinds of texts. Rather than trying to preach one specific narrative, I want to try to preach on the big narrative, the metanarrative. Rather than try to show what Jesus is doing in this specific text, I want to try to show you what Jesus is doing in all the texts. It’s going to be a different sort of sermon and I’m praying that it will be a blessing to you. 

We’re looking at the account in Matthew 15:29-39 together with all of the other accounts, we’re going to ask one big question and get one big answer: What is Jesus doing in all of these miracle accounts?  See, we’re going to read about another massive feeding of people. This time Jesus feeds 4000 with seven loaves and a few small fish. Last time Jesus fed 5000 with 5 loaves and two fish. There are some differences, but there are some major similarities. So, we have to ask the question: What is Jesus doing in all of these miracle accounts? What is Jesus doing?

Who do you say I am? #4 - Taking back his World
Pastor Nate Bourman