See Life Better - #1 - Spirit-Filled


There’s a very serious proposition in this sermon series: If you learn to look at your life in light of the life of Christ, you will be able to see life much, much better. There are two ideas in the phrase “See life better.” The first is that you can see life more clearly. When we look at the world in the way God shows it to us, it really can make sense. The second is that you can see life improve. This has to come second – if you don’t see life more clearly, things will stay the same. But if we approach life more wisely, we will also see it change for the good.

This Sunday we “See Life Better” through the Baptism of Jesus. 

This is a sermon by Pastor Paul Krueger from Mount Lebanon on Matthew 3:13-17.

See Life Better - #1 - Spirit-filled
Pastor Paul Krueger