Unexpected Grace

Unexpected Grace


It’s in God’s nature. We see it again and again. We see him pursuing the lost sheep and the seeking after the lost coin. We see him rejoicing and throwing a heavenly party with all the angels over just one who believes.

We see him pursuing and chasing after Adam and Eve even when the wanted to hide in response. We see him shedding the first blood so that he could cover their shame with clothing. We see him eager to send Jesus, the snake crusher.

We see him pursuing and longing for two sons - both of them lost. One of them lost in self-righteousness. One of them lost in selfishness. Both of them lost. Both of them pursued.

God’s heart is the same for you. It is one of passionate love and pursuit.

Let me ask you this. What if you were the only one in the whole world who would ever believe in Jesus? Would God have still given up his only Son just for you? Would Jesus have still come down to suffer what he did if it was only you? You know that he would have.

There is so much unexpected grace in this. That God gave his Son for us. That his Son gave his life for you and me - for all! That his Spirit comes richly through Word and Sacrament to forgive, to strength, to give life and salvation.

Don’t forget. Shortly after worship tomorrow is our annual voter’s meeting.

See you Sunday! It’s just a day away.

Pastor Nate

PS. For other news and notes, check out the Mount Weekly.