Weight Loss for Christians

Dear family,

John has been calling us to love one another throughout this little letter. Yet, this call to love is a difficult and tricky thing. How to do it is difficult to figure out in each given situation with each dear soul we encounter. How do I love this person? What should I do and how should I do it?

It is also difficult because of our sinful nature that constantly pushes against this command to love.

Yet, John refuses to call this love a burden. But how do we lift the load? How does the weight of this command get lifted from our shoulders so that “his command is not burdensome.” This Sunday, we consider 1 John 5:1-5, and we’ll see how the burden of the commandment is lifted from our shoulders even as we put our shoulder into it to do love. This is weight loss for Christians, namely, that the weight and the burden of the commands of God is lifted up and in their place we carry a light load and lean into an easy yoke.

See you Sunday! Jesus will lift the load. I’m sure of it.

We are his!

Pastor Nate