I am Barabbas

He should have been crucified. He should have been hung on that cross. I’m talking about Barabbas, of course. Okay. Maybe it wasn’t that obvious. Yet, it remains true. Barabbas deserved every bit of the pain of that cross and more of God, in heaven.

Yet, there was a substitute for him – Jesus! What a miscarriage of justice! What an improper use of power on Pilate’s part, making Jesus a pawn so that he might keep control of the people.

Yes, Jesus stood in for Barabbas and us too!

We deserved every bit of the pain of the cross and more! Yet, Jesus took our place! He stood in for Barabbas. He stood in for you. He stood in for me. He was abandoned. God and the people rejected him. He did all this so that we will not be abandoned. He did all this so that we will never be rejected.

Here’s some homework. On Sunday, we’ll be in Pilate’s court and consider things from Barabbas’ perspective. Listen to this song.

This Sunday is a big one. Let me count the ways:

1) It’s communion!

2) Pastor Chris will be with us in church. We’ll get to meet our new Mission Pastor.

3) It’s NAME TAG Sunday. Grab a name tag on your way into church. Get to know some new people (or some old ones better).

4) It’s a SUPER SNACK Sunday. With all these fun things going on, let’s add some food! Bring something to share. Let’s make it epic.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Nate