O Come, Radix Jesse

Midweek Advent Devotion



4:30 pm and 6 pm.


O Root of Jesse, Come


Isaiah 11:1-10


O Root of Jesse, Come.

This ensign raised for all

To whom the nations pray,

Before whom kings keep silent:

To rescue quickly come.


This week of Advent, we remember that God has remembered his people in the root of Jesse. A living root sends up a shoot or branch; thus, the root of Jesse was a root from which more descendants would come. The image refers to the family tree of Jesse, which leads to King David and ultimately to Jesus Christ as the son of David. Through the prophet Samuel, God had promised David that his offspring would establish an eternal kingdom, something that the Apostle Paul reinforces in Romans 15 (7-9, 12) acknowledging Jesus as this root of Jesse in whom the Gentiles are to place their hope.

This Advent season, we ask him to fill our lives not only with this memory of God’s plan of salvation arriving through this root of Jesse. Remembering is important and good, but let us also ask that this meaning would run deeper in our hearts, as a good root should, that we might abide in him. The root of goodness and beauty and truth is found in Jesus Christ. He is the root of it all! And as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can we, unless we abide in him. As his branches, may we live close to Jesus who is the vine, who is the root. Abide in him and experience his comfort and presence.


Lord God,

Fill our hearts with more of your presence

that they would overflow with love for all nations.

Fill our minds with understanding to serve them

So that our actions will be pleasing to you.

May your peace, which surpasses all understanding,

Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, through your Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you Wednesday!