O Come, Clavis David

Midweek Advent Devotion



4:30 pm and 6 pm.

Mount Lebanon School Christmas Service

12/19 @ 6 pm.


O Key of David, Come


Revelation 3:7-13


O Key of David, come.

Unlock what none shall bind,

And lock what none shall loose:

The captives in the darkness

Imprisoned, now set free.


This antiphon uses a symbol traditionally associated with kingly rule and authority. The one who has come, Jesus, is David’s long-awaited heir, who is the key to the kingdom. He is the holy one who wields David’s key. He opens, and no one can close; he closes, and no one can open. All power and authority are in him and him alone. This Advent season, we call on David’s Key to release us from our sins and unlock the chains that bind us. We ask him to lead us out of darkness and to burst our bonds apart (Psalm 107). May you look to him and invite him to visit you with both the comfort that comes through his deliverance and the confidence that arises from his steadfast love.


Lord God,

Fill our hearts with love for one another

and our minds with wise counsel

So that our actions will be pleasing to you.

May your peace, which surpasses all understanding,

Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, through your Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you Wednesday!