Trunk or Treat 2024
Saturday, October 26
3:00 - 5:00 pm.
We care about our community. We care about the kids in our community. We care about the families in our community. We truly want to be a community for our community.
That’s why we’re bringing back “Trunk or Treat” for the second year in a row. Nearly 1000 kids came through our parking lot for a fun and safe event for the whole family.
Trunk or Treat Help us bring a safe space to trick or treat to Milwaukee. We are looking for people to be creative in decorating their vehicle trunks or helping decorate inside the community room. We need help setting up, taking down and, of course, help to provide candy to give away. We are planning for 1000 children! This is a community event and service. We need your help. You can help by providing candy, volunteering to help the day of the event, or by decorating a trunk for the event.
We, first, hope that you’ll make plans to come and hang out with us, even for a part of the afternoon.
We also want to invite you to help make it the success that it was last year. There are lots of little and big ways you can get involved, from decorating a trunk to providing a bag of candy, and lots of places in between.
Please sign-up here to offer up and provide a trunk or support this event in lots of different ways.