What do you do when someone throws a spear at you? That was the question that David had to answer when he was playing the harp and Saul was throwing spears.
David dodged the spear and kept on playing the harp. What would you do? For me, there is the very real temptation to catch the spear and throw it back. I’ve got a sharp tongue, and I’m not afraid enough to use it. There is a very real temptation to lash out and hit back at those who throw spears at us.
This was the question Jeremiah had to answer. There were plots against him, plots to cut him down with their tongues. At other times, they threw him into a pit in the ground. Another time they locked him in the stocks for the night. What did he do when people threw spears at him?
I’ll tell you what he didn’t do. He didn’t throw the spear back. Instead, he lifted up his prayer to God. Instead, he entrusted his cause to the God who smashes jars. He turned to the God, who told his people, “See this smashed jar? I’ll make you just like this jar.” (If that last sentence caught you by surprise, don’t worry. We’ll unpack it this Sunday).
What do you do when someone throws a spear at you? Well, you don’t throw it back. Instead, you entrust your cause to the God who fights for you. More about this on Sunday (3/19/23), much more. We’ll be looking at Jeremiah 18:18-23, 19:1-2, 10-11.
Pastor Nate