“Long live the King!”
That’s what they said when a king was enthroned and was anointed into his new role in the kingdom. They wanted him to rule. They wanted him to be blessed. They longed for him to be a blessing. The poor and the weak longed for rescue. The wronged and the abused longed for justice. They wanted him to sit on his throne and rule for their good.
“Long live the King!”
They longed for him to rule for a long time, not just for a year or two. They wanted his throne to be blessed so that it lasted longer than the sun or moon. They wanted him to rule and be a blessing for more than a decade or two.
“Long live the King!”
When we hear this phrase, we think of earthly rulers. But more than that, we think about great David’s greater Son, Jesus! We think of him, who is the King of kings and Lord of lords. We think about this different sort of king whom Mark has been presenting to us all year long. He saves the weak. He heals the sick. He makes wrongs right. And he dies. Yes, he dies. He dies, but then he rises to rule. He rules only to return to bring us to his side. He alone fulfills our heart’s loudest cry: “Long live the King!”
This Sunday, we’re back in Mark one more time (for more). This week, we’ll consider our King’s return on the last day to judge both the living and the dead.
See you Sunday! Pastor Nate
Song of the Series