Palm Sunday!!
“After he had said this….” (Luke 19:28).
That is how it all began this final week before Jesus’ death. “After he had said this…” he marched into Jerusalem to suffer and die for the whole world's sins. He showed and taught his disciples many things on his way to this moment, to the cross. Jesus was on his way to the cross, but what would the people do with him? Would they believe in him? Would they follow? Would they reject him?
Just before he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, likely, while he was still with Zacchaeus, Jesus told a parable to help the crowd understand the kingdom of God. What will you do with this teaching from Jesus?
This week we’ll be looking at Luke 19:11-28 as a way to prepare for following Jesus into Jerusalem.
Holy Week Worship Opportunities:
Palm Sunday - 9:30 am with communion
Maundy Thursday - 6:30 pm with communion.
Good Friday - 1:00 pm with communion.
Good Friday Tenebrae - 6:30 pm with communion.
Easter Sunrise Service - 7:00 am.
Easter Breakfast - 8:15 am.
Easter Festival Service - 9:30 am.
For other news and notes, check out “the Mount Weekly.”