Ash Wednesday - 3/2/2022

Ash Wednesday Worship

On Wednesday, Lent begins. For us, this means a special focus on the suffering of Jesus and his victory for us. For us, this means some extra worship opportunities. Our Lenten worship begins this Wednesday with two Ash Wednesday services - one at 4:30 pm and one at 6:30 pm. These services will include the optional practice of the imposition of ashes. Above all else, during this time, Jesus invites us to come. So, come! Come, dust and ashes that you are. Come, sinner that you are. Come, Jesus invites you. The weight of the world is on his shoulders.

Weight of the World

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Atlas, the Greek god of mythology, carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.  He had to hold the skies in place and hold everything in its place.  It was a heavy burden that he had to carry. Can you imagine?

You don’t carry the weight of the world as the Greeks say that Atlas does, but sometimes it probably feels like it. When your parents lay responsibilities on you, it can be a heavy burden.  When your family goes through tough times you take on the troubles, the struggles, and the burdens of your parents as if they belonged to you.  And then there are the burdens that are yours alone: the bills you have to pay, the school work you have to do, and planning out the future course of your life.

Jesus says, “Come!”

Unlike Atlas who is just a character of mythology, Jesus actually does carry the weight of the world.  Hebrews says that he created the whole world with his powerful word and he still holds it all together with that same word (look up Hebrews 1:3).  Jesus actually does control the wind and the waves.  Just watch him do it when his disciples were panicking in the middle of the lake.  Jesus really does hold our lives in his hands.  Just watch him give health and life and provision to so many people during his life.  Jesus does all this and it isn’t even hard for him.  All he does is say the word and it happens.  It’s just what he does.

The truth is we’re foolish if we try to carry all those weights. We’re not Atlas.  And we’re certainly not Jesus.  So why do we try to be?  Jesus is already carrying all these things that we worry about.

And Jesus says, “Come!”

He cares about our lives, even down to the hairs on our heads. He controls our lives.  He knows all of our days before even one of them came to be. And best of all, he is on our side.  Yes, our God is on our side.  He’s fighting for us.  He’s fighting to save us.

Jesus says, “Come! Bring your burdens to me and I will carry them.”

So what are you waiting for? Cast all your cares on the Lord because he cares for you! (Cf 1 Peter 5:7).


Lord Jesus Christ, your are the King of Creation and my Savior.  You truly carry the weight of the whole world’s life and the whole world’s sin on your shoulders.  Teach me to cast my burdens on you because you really do care for me. Amen.