Beginnings matter. The experiences in our lives tell us that. We know that it is absolutely vital for our children to have a good beginning in their lives. It sets them off in the right direction. Beginnings matter. We know that from our building projects. A building that is laid on a foundation that is slightly off, even if only by a fraction of an inch, will not stand tall and strong. Beginnings matter. Did I say that yet? God knows that and so does the Devil. And so, it makes sense that at these beginning moments there is a spiritual war taking place.
Remember what happened when tabernacle worship was just beginning? There was unauthorized incense offered that threatened the sacred space of the tabernacle. God broke out against it with fire. Remember what happened when the new nation of Israel was just beginning to take space in the Promised Land? Aachan disobeyed the Lord and God broke out against him. Remember how the early church was practicing communion in an unloving way, threatening the sacred sacrament? Some of them got sick; others of them died. Beginnings matter and God acts forcefully to defend, protect and save his church at the very beginning.
This weekend we’re continuing our walk through the book of Acts and we will be in Acts 5:1-11. We’re at the very beginning and Satan threatens to destroy the church, but simply won’t let him. Last week, we saw the first miracle and the kindness of the church. This week, Luke shows us the very opposite as he shows us the first sin and the wickedness of those within the church. This text has shaken me to my core. I can’t wait to open it up for you. Pastor Nate
Please join us for worship:
In-person on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. We also plan to Livestream both services here.
For all other news and notes from Mount Lebanon, check out “The Mount Weekly.”
For our calendar of coming events, services, and studies, check out our calendar here.
CONNECT GROUPS kicked off this week. It’s not too late to join. Sign-up here.
Ascension Cookout and Evening Services on May 13. Check out “The Mount Weekly” for more information.
Hampton Heights Clean-up on May 15.
Confirmation on May 16.
The Mount SnapBack! We’re making plans to get back to normal. Check out “The Mount Weekly” for more details about our plans as the Lord makes a way for us!